About Us

Being consumers of SA goodies ourselves, we noticed the market for these goods was expensive. There are two main reasons: importing goods isn't cheap, and rent, rates and other expenses are cumbersome for bricks and mortar stores.
So we went direct to South Africa and imported the goods ourselves. We also employed a model that doesn't include an expensive retail location. We've taken a Warehouse approach and as a result we're positioned to offer exceptional prices on SA products.
We hope you'll agree and we look forward to being your online retailer of choice.
Delivering To Your Door
When we receive your order we'll process on the next working day. Orders are delivered on a 24 - 48 hour service so your order will be with you as quick as a flash.
Environmentally Conscious
We reuse as many materials as possible in order to reduce the impact of an already Carbon heavy import cycle. This means you're likely to receive your goods in repurposed packaging.
Local is Lekker
We're internet only so we work in partnership with well known local SA Shops that provide us with Butchery goods and Biltong, Drywors & Snapsticks.
Local is Lekker!